- 175 pages (Hardcover version)
- Release Date: March 2020
- Language: English
- ISBN 978-1-952245-02-2
The Writings is a compilation of articles written in the span of a decade by author Larry L. Booker. Now, for the first time, these writings are bound together in this single volume. The author’s easy-to-read style is “down to earth,” yet deeply thought-provoking and inspirational. But, no matter which of the wide array of topics, all the teachings found within are based entirely on solid biblical principles.
Out of stock“Power to Become is teeming with profound and life-changing ideas. It is not only a tool but a powerful seed with the potential to transform both teacher and student alike, when planted in the fertile soil of an open mind and spirit. The book epitomizes what it is that makes man unique from the rest of creation: the God-like ability to not only accurately identify the current state and what is, but to point to and illuminate the future possibilities and what can be. The principles and ideas here are rooted in ultimate truths that transcend a “paint by the numbers”, “how-to” guide, and imbues the reader’s mind and soul with organic materials which can be consistently yet uniquely reproduced in diverse settings. The author carefully charts the course for the reader from potential to actualization which can be traversed by any willing vessel.” Terrell McCants, Esq. Teacher in Developing the Difference youth ministry "Having spent the majority of my developmental years as a student of the ideas found in Power to Become, I can unequivocally say that there is transformative power in both principle and application. I was eleven years old when I was first introduced to Developing the Difference classes and slowly began to watch myself grow as a disciple and follower of Christ. With core concepts like integrity, maximizing potential, and carving out a personal prayer life, I witnessed a shift in our church's youth group to one with immense positive peer pressure. I watched firsthand, both through observation and experience, as these ideas were implemented, bringing actualization of our God-given calling and potential. Power to Become is more than just an inspirational manual for burgeoning leadership; it is the story of the encounter that both saved me and launched me, as well as countless others." Matt Wood, B.A, Student/Teacher in Developing the Difference youth ministry "Power to Become, is an overview of the developmental process for pre teens through young adults that has been framed and implemented by the pastoral and leadership staff at New Life Church, Birmingham Al. This first volume is not scope and sequence. It is not a packaged program. This manual is an attempt to capture the primary theological and philosophical underpinnings of proven, fruitful process. The compiled sources are diverse and are utilized because they tap into universal and ultimate truths first expressed in God’s word. I commend Stephen Collins and his Developing the Difference crew, who have produced a worthy resource that will equip emerging leaders as they do the good work of developing the God given potential latent in all young people. Barry Sutton, MA Pastor, New Life Church
In this era of indecision, fearfulness, and compromise, the world cries out for decisive leadership. Be it politics, or Christianity the world is clamoring for dynamic direction. What a Difference a Line Can Make is a treatise of Holy Ghost direction that has been overlooked and long overdue. Simultaneously concise and in-depth, this book offers a crystal clear view of Holiness themes that have been for the most part abandoned by Christendom but long held dear by God and His people.
Out of stockThe Second Book of David The Second Book of David is the long awaited sequel to Larry Booker's The Book of David. The first volume covers David's life as a shepherd boy up to his conquering of Jerusalem and making it the Capitol of Israel. David's life and fears are related as seen through the eyes of several of his contemporaries, which include his wife Michal, his nephew Abishai, and even Goliath's armor bearer, Rozzad. This second book deals with the last half of David's life as a witnessed by Bathsheba, Nathan the Prophet, Joab, King Saul's concubine, Rispah, and a host of others. You will laugh, cry, cringe and be in wonder at the man David. You will also be moved deeply by the faith and the humanity of this great patriarch, warrior, musician, statesman, husband, father and king.
Out of stockThe First Book of David (1st Edition) The First Book of David is a unique novel which brings to life one of the greatest men who ever lived—David the King of Israel. It movingly takes one back in time to see the mighty man and his world through the eyes of his contemporaries, some of which are; Samuel, Abner, Michal, Abishai, Abiathar, even Goliath’s armor bearer. It answers why David is so endearingly referred to as ‘a man after God’s own heart’. Though we know the story, The First Book of David is hard to put down.
In the book Apostolic Identity and Integrity: Studies for Spiritual Enrichment, the author endeavors to inspire, encourage, and challenge Apostolic Pentecostals. She explores relevant topics from an Apostolic perspective using scripture and Biblical examples as a foundation to provide opportunities for spiritual development. To accentuate two critical components of our relationships with God, each other, and the world at large, the book is thematically categorized into two parts: Identity and Integrity. Paperback ISBN 9780999344781 ePub and Kindle versions available: Click here for a description of the different ebook file formats
The first verse in the Bible speaks of a Creator affectionately known as “God.” The last verse contains a “Lord” whose name is “Jesus Christ.” Between Genesis 1:1 and Revelation 22:21, there are 31,100 verses that prove “God” and “Jesus Christ” are the same deity. All 31,102 verses are God-inspired; therefore, the study of them will open our understanding to who He is. The Word Is Still God is a resource that pulls its material from the source: God’s Word. It is a book that will introduce you to the Father, who is above all as the Supreme Spirit, the Son, who was through all as the Spirit manifested in flesh, and the Holy Ghost, who is in you all as the Spirit of infilling. Unlike many agendas of man, The Word Is Still God, does not accept these three manifestations of the Spirit as separate persons, but it shows how the Bible is replete with proof which declares them to be the same deity.
(Spanish translation of In Bonds of Love by Nathaniel J. Wilson, Ed.D) En lazos de amor da a conocer la razón de la santidad y el valor de nuestra relación con él. Capitulo 1: Una Costumbre Bíblica Antigua Capitulo 2: Términos De Relación Capitulo 3: El Proceso De Discernimiento Capitulo 4: Bajo La Encina Vieja Capitulo 5: La Morada & La Gloria Capitulo 6: El Espíritu Santo & El Espíritu Humano Capitulo 7: El Espíritu Santo & El Alma Humana Capitulo 8: El Espíritu Santo & El Cuerpo Humano Capitulo 9: El Velo De La Gloria Capitulo 10: La Gracia El Recurso, El Amor La Razón
In Bonds of Love brings to light, the reason for holiness and the value of our relationship with Him. Chapter 1: An Ancient Biblical Custom Chapter 2: Terms of Relationship Chapter 3: The Process of Discernment Chapter 4: Under The Old Oak Tree Chapter 5: The Dwelling & The Glory Chapter 6: Holy Spirit & Human Spirit Chapter 7: Holy Spirit & Human Soul Chapter 8: Holy Spirit & Human Body Chapter 9: Veil of Glory Chapter 10: Grace The Source, Love The Reason
This is the book which goes beyond theory and principles. This book plunges deeply into the arena of the universal, the unseen, the spiritual. This is where highest level leadership begins. If you have the courage, Ultimate Leadership is for you....next to the Bible, this book is the most powerful book I have ever read.Pat Bollmann, M.A., St. Louis , MOI have listened to these CDs no less than fifty times. It is so rich that I learn something new and applicable each time I listen. Rev. D. R. Columbus, GeorgiaIn this book, you will find that Nathaniel Wilson not only addresses the need for articulate and skilled ministers, but also explains the difference between the systems of the world and Gods spiritual kingdom. The Defining Moment is a must read. It will revolutionize your ability to lead men and women. Kenneth F. Haney - General Superintendent United Pentecostal Church, International ISBN: 978-0-9717739-1-2
Reading the Bible is an important and exciting adventure. The reader is entranced in becoming acquainted with its stories and its basic teaching. However, in reading (and re-reading) book after book, patterns begin to emerge. Certain events and people are given special emphasis. Some things are repeated and carried through from one story to the next. After a while, instead of looking at each "piece" separately, one becomes aware that there is an underlying movement shadowing each story and event which then moves toward a predetermined end. The reader finally realizes that the many stories are really one story–with each story adding its part to the whole as it moves toward a mighty, climactic conclusion. This book is about recognizing how these events and pieces fit together to form a divine, mosaic prism through which the light of revelation falls upon human understanding. Grasping the epochal shifts discussed in this book is absolutely a prerequisite to understanding the great underlying message of the Bible.
Topics Discussed
- Part 1. Ages
- Part 2. Dispensations
- Part 3. Covenants
- Part 4. Discussion of Dispensations