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  • Includes Six Volumes in One Book!
    1. Theology
    2. Christology
    3. Pneumatology
    4. Soteriology
    5. Anthropology
    6. Ecclesiology
    There is no book like the Bible and no subject more entrancing than Theology. Dealing in a profound manner with subjects of importance to all humans, the Bible uniquely towers above all others in a seminal fashion. It is derived from beyond the terrestrial perspective, from heaven, and therefore has a celestial imprint, “seeing from above.” Answers to the dilemma of human fallenness cannot be extrapolated out of the dilemma itself. Like the physical earth, light and life are not sourced therein, but are, rather, derived from a source outside themselves. This is true not only of physical light but also spiritual and intellectual light from which comes “enlightenment.” Herein is found the most sacred value of theology, and the Bible, which, indeed, is holy. Systematic Theology simply means that every scriptural address will be researched of a particular biblical subject. This information is not simply gathered and collated but is deeply researched in order to develop a comprehensive explanation of that subject in all of its meanings and nuances. Knowing theology is crucial to providing safe and sound guidance to God’s people. False or spurious doctrines have serious, and oftentimes, devastating consequences. Knowing the basic theology of the Bible is a must for the church. This book is the first of a two-part set. The second, Apostolic Pentecostal Theology, was published prior to this one. To the publisher’s knowledge, this set is the most comprehensive treatment of core apostolic theology that is available anywhere. With that said, there is much more in the wonderful world of apostolic theology than what is contained herein. May this book be, at least, a stimulus to the reader’s own quest for knowing God.
    • 544 pages
    • Release Date: Summer, 2022
    • Language: English
  • UNDERSTANDING GOD A Simple and Clear Description of Jesus Christ as God By Nathaniel J. Wilson, Ed.D
    1. Understanding God
    2. How is Jesus Christ God?
    3. What is the Father Like?
    4. How Do We Come to the Father?
    5. What Does “He … Sat Down On the Right Hand” Mean?
    6. Who is Lord?
    ISBN 978-1-952245-12-1 ePub and Kindle versions available: Click here for a description of the different ebook file formats
  • Apostolic Pentecostal Theology by Nathaniel J. Wilson, Ed.D   The intended audience for this book is those interested in things biblical and, more specifically, Pentecostal. The effort here is to extend existing understandings of long-held and known truths. A primary premise is the belief that Pentecostal theology is divinely suited for a post-modern world. Also emphasized is that spirituality is a distinctly Christian concept. Spirit-infilling, anointing, guidance, empowerment, and the supernatural are manifestations of the living Christ in His church, ministering and acting in the world. The Bible is activated by spiritual encounter between the reader and living message of the book. It is this living relationship that imbues “experience” with a dignity not found in a theology based on sterile rationality. While often held in suspicion in evangelical theology, experience, encounter, and relationship lie at the core of not only Pentecostal theology but of the message of the Bible. Finally, a key premise is that all theology leads to a call to every individual to spiritual formation and development of leadership for ministry. The “golden thread” which is woven through every part of the book is thus action—highly effective, transcendent, leadership action by every Spirit-filled believer. The idea is that every individual believer is intended by God to be filled with Pentecostal power in becoming an anointed, graceful, empowered leader. Thus, if this book is to qualify as a theology book it does so first and foremost as a book that explores a Theology of Human Spirituality and Biblical Leadership.
    • Release Date: September 6, 2016
    • Language: English
  • Sale!
    There is no model for leadership and ministry which is more impacting than Jesus Christ. In seeking to understand the process by which biblical leadership formation takes place, it is to Him that this book turns. In a time when many leaders are adrift and seeking substantive direction, Jesus Christ continues to give direction to those who seek Him. Written primarily for those entering ministry, it has proven to be of significant value to all who are in positions of spiritual leadership. The content is timeless and is designed to be read and re-read. The Man of God and His Work is right on time!
  • (Spanish translation of In Bonds of Love by Nathaniel J. Wilson, Ed.D) En lazos de amor da a conocer la razón de la santidad y el valor de nuestra relación con él. Capitulo 1: Una Costumbre Bíblica Antigua Capitulo 2: Términos De Relación Capitulo 3: El Proceso De Discernimiento Capitulo 4: Bajo La Encina Vieja Capitulo 5: La Morada & La Gloria Capitulo 6: El Espíritu Santo & El Espíritu Humano Capitulo 7: El Espíritu Santo & El Alma Humana Capitulo 8: El Espíritu Santo & El Cuerpo Humano Capitulo 9: El Velo De La Gloria Capitulo 10: La Gracia El Recurso, El Amor La Razón
  • In Bonds of Love brings to light, the reason for holiness and the value of our relationship with Him. Chapter 1: An Ancient Biblical Custom Chapter 2: Terms of Relationship Chapter 3: The Process of Discernment Chapter 4: Under The Old Oak Tree Chapter 5: The Dwelling & The Glory Chapter 6: Holy Spirit & Human Spirit Chapter 7: Holy Spirit & Human Soul Chapter 8: Holy Spirit & Human Body Chapter 9: Veil of Glory Chapter 10: Grace The Source, Love The Reason
  • This is the book which goes beyond theory and principles. This book plunges deeply into the arena of the universal, the unseen, the spiritual. This is where highest level leadership begins. If you have the courage, Ultimate Leadership is for you. to the Bible, this book is the most powerful book I have ever read.
    Pat Bollmann, M.A., St. Louis , MO
    I have listened to these CDs no less than fifty times. It is so rich that I learn something new and applicable each time I listen. Rev. D. R. Columbus, Georgia
    In this book, you will find that Nathaniel Wilson not only addresses the need for articulate and skilled ministers, but also explains the difference between the systems of the world and Gods spiritual kingdom. The Defining Moment is a must read. It will revolutionize your ability to lead men and women. Kenneth F. Haney - General Superintendent United Pentecostal Church, International ISBN: 978-0-9717739-1-2
  • Reading the Bible is an important and exciting adventure. The reader is entranced in becoming acquainted with its stories and its basic teaching. However, in reading (and re-reading) book after book, patterns begin to emerge. Certain events and people are given special emphasis. Some things are repeated and carried through from one story to the next. After a while, instead of looking at each "piece" separately, one becomes aware that there is an underlying movement shadowing each story and event which then moves toward a predetermined end. The reader finally realizes that the many stories are really one story–with each story adding its part to the whole as it moves toward a mighty, climactic conclusion. This book is about recognizing how these events and pieces fit together to form a divine, mosaic prism through which the light of revelation falls upon human understanding. Grasping the epochal shifts discussed in this book is absolutely a prerequisite to understanding the great underlying message of the Bible.

    Topics Discussed

    • Part 1. Ages
    • Part 2. Dispensations
    • Part 3. Covenants
    • Part 4. Discussion of Dispensations


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