Entrance into the Kingdom of God is a salvation Bible study designed to unfold the biblical pattern of the new birth experience of the water and the Spirit. It was created with the idea that simplicity is the key to enable the teacher to teach easily and effectively. Along with this easy-to-follow Teachers Manual, the highly visual nature of the accompaniment chart plays a major role in helping the student to effectively grasp the concepts of the Bible. This Bible study is organized into twelve easy-to-teach parts which can be taught in a single session or spread out over several sessions—it’s totally up to you. After going through the entire lesson, the student should see themselves in the light of God’s Word and know the next step of salvation to take.

Although the message of Entrance into the Kingdom of God never changes, it will lead you to a unique experience with each person you teach. As you teach, you will have the privilege of observing God’s Word bring fragmented lives back together just like the dry bones came together in Ezekiel 37, and the wind of the Holy Ghost will give them life! Allow God to use you through this Bible Study as a tool to reconcile lost souls back to Him (2 Corinthians 5:18). If we simply do what we are commanded in Matthew 28:19, and just teach salvation, the Holy Ghost will do the rest.

We believe and pray that this Bible study will equip you to obey the call to win your world for Jesus Christ! Be bold and of good courage as you share this life-changing message.


  • Chart 1: Is There a God?
  • Chart 2: Does God Have a Plan? 
  • Chart 3: Humanity’s Dilemma
  • Chart 4: God’s Solution
  • Chart 5: Key to the Kingdom
  • Chart 6: Christ’s Commandment
  • Chart 7: The Apostolic Message
  • Chart 8: Pentecostal Experience
  • Chart 9: Repentance
  • Chart 10: Water Baptism
  • Chart 11: Holy Ghost
  • Chart 12: Thy Kingdom Come